Increase investments in people-friendly main streets

Governor Jared Polis,

Colorado's main streets and downtowns in urban and rural areas are so important. It's where so many Coloradans live, work, play, eat, shop, access critical services, and enjoy so many things that make the quality of life in Colorado so great.

Unfortunately, too many of our main streets are unsafe for people. Many act more as barriers that unnecessarily endanger people's lives every day. Too many make up the high-injury network - a small number of streets that make up the majority of deaths and serious injuries.

Thank you for your support of the Safer Main Streets and Revitalizing Main Streets programs that are pumping $111 million into making main streets more people-friendly across the state.

I'm calling on you to invest even more - please fund these safe streets programs at a level that ensures every main street and downtown is safe and people-friendly for everyone and are the vibrant community centers that we know they can be.
